Saturday, October 25, 2008

Ok, I believe in redemption

This is a man you'll forgive and forgive,
And help and protect, as long as you live . . .

He will not always say
What you would have him say,
But now and then he'll say
Something wonderful!

The thoughtless things he'll do
Will hurt and worry you
Then all at once he'll do
Something wonderful!

. . . A man who needs your love
Can be wonderful.

Rodgers and Hammerstein's
The King and I, "Something Wonderful"

Just wanted to express my gratitude for a few signs of hope this week. It makes it easier to believe my Someone is searching for me when I see other men searching too.


Brentus said...

Yay, men are still ok in the eyes of Sarah! I'm searching still...

Ryan said...

Just pretend that I'm standing behind you holding a small portion of your hair up.

Aye Spy said...

BAAAAH! *swatting*